Evil? Or Just An Eternal Toddler?

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Everyone wants to be heard; to know that their opinion matters, that THEY matter. But there is a difference between being “heard” (i.e. “understood”) vs. winning people over to agree with your opinion. It’s when people get these two concepts confused that problems arise.

Most of us learn at a very early age that we can’t always get our way, or at least we can’t always get what we want, when we want it or in the exact manner we want it. That’s what the so-called “Terrible Twos” is all about. The reason that you don’t hear about the Terrible Five’s, Ten’s, or Thirty’s, is because the majority of us figure out how to balance our personal needs and desires, with the needs and desires of our parents, siblings, neighbors, countrymen, and the world. It’s that simple but vital skill of Give-and-Take that distinguishes civilization from barbarism. It’s learning to play well with others.

Unfortunately, not everyone successfully learns the lessons necessary to progress past the stage where a toddler suddenly is faced with the fact that they are not the center of the world, and so these Eternal Toddlers [“ET’s”] continue to believe that everyone outside of themselves exists solely to satisfy their needs and desires. When confronted by the reality that they cannot make everyone snap to attention at their every beck and call, the ET ends up feeling constantly thwarted, oppressed, unappreciated, disrespected, and even abandoned. In turn, those feelings lead to intense, never-ending anger at those the ET perceives have come between them and their desires that they ultimately deal with by turning that anger back on others (in the form of adult temper tantrums or worse) and/or on themselves (i.e. self-loathing, severe depression, suicide). This is hardly a satisfying strategy to procure either the respect of others or a realistic sense of self-worth for the ET. As obvious as that equation may seem, ET’s rarely appear capable of recognizing the folly of that mindset or recalibrating their expectations and methods of communication that’s needed to escape the viscious circle they’re trapped in.

It is easy to fall into the trap of judging an ET – especially when you’re caught within the scope of an ET’s rage or continually compelled to witness the dark, disheartening world of an ET who has turned their rage inward. The inclination to yell “Snap out of it”, “Get Real”, “Grow-Up”, or “#!!?@!&!!! You!”, is understandable yet it’s foolish and counter-productive to give into your frustration that way, and can even be putting yourself at risk of great danger. So what can you do when your life crosses with an ET that won’t set you up as their Eternal Victim [“EV”]? The easy answer is to walk away and fuggetaboudit. But that’s not always possible, especially if you have conflicting feelings such as actually liking the person or even loving them, or if you’re stuck with having to deal with them for professional or other reasons. It’s heartbreaking to watch otherwise intelligent, decent people self-destruct and fearsome when an ET has the attitude of “Take No Prisoners”.

Lamentably, we are powerless to make the necessary changes for them. All we can do is try to be patient, to listen, to maintain our self-composure and dignity, to always maintain our self-respect, try to protect ourselves the best that we can, and then pray. Pray for a miracle that forces the ET take stock of themself, gather the strength to face the truth and seek help to turn their life around. Keep reminding yourself you did nothing wrong to deserve the ET’s venom. Forgive the ET, who is undoubtedly hurting even more than you, but don’t forget to take cover. And most important of all, constantly remind yourself that you can survive anything as long as you stick to the truth, never act with malice, and never stop having faith that somehow, somewhere, some time, you’ll finally be free.

Free Clip-Art / Icons of the Day

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Mad As Hell


Unconscious Art?

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So much has been going on in my life lately that you’d think would serve as good fodder for thought, writing, and posting. I’ve got the thought part down pat, but continue to be overwhelmed and tongue-tied. While I know that a big part of what’s been getting in my way is directly related to how the constant and excruciating stress of my legal situation is affecting my health and my psyche and I’m just praying that once that obstacle is resolved for good, that my ability to think creatively and organize my thoughts will return. It’s curious how this affects only my verbal and writing skills but not my art. At the same time, it also is in keeping with my feeling that someone – or something – else is guiding my hand when it’s on my mouse, as I (almost) NEVER think about what I’m going to create either before or while “painting” something on my computer. It just simply comes out and I’m just as surprised as anyone when I see the result. Have any of you experienced that when you doing something creative?

This posting will be short but I did want to share with you some Good News for a change. In a not surprising move, the Florida Supreme Court issued their ruling declining to accept the discretionary jurisdiction that my adversary had sought to overturn the appellate court order that had been in my favor. (YAY! …Once again, my appellate attorney, Robin Bresky, Esq., rocks!) The case still looms in the lower court, where it had been remanded to decide the amount that my adversary must pay. Tomorrow morning we’ve got a motion hearing and a status conference, and so in keeping with my past practice, I’m serving up a fresh group of original legal icons for your pleasure.

Links Related to Creativity & Unconscious Art

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The following images are either full or reduced size previews. Simply right-click (or control-click) on the preview to save the image(s) of your choice to your desktop. (Unless otherwise noted, downloads are 512px X 512px in .png format). As always, usage of any of the images offered in the “Free Clip-Art / Icons of the Day” section are free for your personal use, subject to the limitations of my Creative Commons Non-Commercial – Attribution – No Derivatives – Share Alike- 3.0 license. (See sidebar for Terms of Use) For commercial or any other use, please contact me for directly.

The Judge

The Judge 4 The Judge 2

The Courthouse TheCourthouse


Memorial Day Tango

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First things first…

I’d like to offer my salute and prayers to all members of our armed forces and their support teams who bravely gave their lives for our freedom and for the freedom of those whose own governments sought to suppress freedom. To the families they left behind, we can never quite feel your pain, but recognize that you, too, have sacrificed for your country. We are grateful and proud to be the beneficiaries of your dedication to the ideals of a free world and to our country, which forges ahead working towards spreading those ideals and the tools of knowledge and love to achieve it. The struggle is hardly over, but the efforts of our military heros, fallen or disabled, family or in-the-field support, has not been in vain. Their spirits live on and inspire us to be worthy of their sacrifice. To the rest of the civilians like myself, please take a moment to remember and another moment to donate, whatever you can, to the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) who provide much needed support for the soldiers who’ve returned with the scars of war and the families left on their own.


The old saw that “It takes two to Tango”, while clever, is a set-up for faulty logic when applied to any and all contentious disputes in litigation. No reasonable person would assert that the bloody, vicious battles between the Christians and the lions could have been avoided or should have been resolved by the Christians “taking the high road” by conceding the contest to the lions. What was true in ancient Rome remains true today in our modern-day colliseums: the court house. Like the Christians and lions, not every party to a lawsuit is responsible for the necessity of court involvement nor responsible for such litigation being unnecessarily prolonged and not every case where the adversaries share the same biological parents can be attributed to a mutual sibling rivalry. But it often can be difficult to determine who is the aggressor and who is the victim, which is why it is so vital for all of us to suppress our frustrations and preconceived notions and try to listen and observe anew.

As every judge in every court knows well, the danger in making premature judgments based upon faulty logic is the increased likelihood truth will escape, the merits never reached, justice will be compromised, and public policy defeated. The task we ask of our judicial system is tall indeed as our judges are as human as we. And so, on this Memorial Day, when we pause to remember those who’ve fought for our freedom, that we all resolve to aspire to facilitate justice in this life. Likewise, it seems equally fitting to pray for those men and women who struggle each day to keep the faith of our fallen patriots with their hearts, minds and courtrooms every day. Lord knows, it ain’t easy.

Free Clip-Art / Icons of the Day

The following images are either full or reduced size previews. Simply right-click (or control-click) on the preview to save the image(s) of your choice to your desktop. (Unless otherwise noted, downloads are 512px X 512px in .png format). As always, usage of any of the images offered on this blog are free for your personal use while subject to the limitations of my Creative Commons Non-Commercial – Attribution – No Derivatives – Share Alike- 3.0 license. (See sidebar for details)

Memorial Day Salute 2011

Buddy Poppy

Donate to Buddy Poppy


Windy 500 T-Shirt
Windy 500 – T-Shirt
Hey Race Fans! Just in time, here comes IconDoIt’s bright red balloon car flying into the Winner’s Circle at this year’s Windy 500! Printed with highly saturated colors for a vibrant look on a high-quality black T-Shirt, we recommend washing in cold water to retain richness of colors. For men, women, children, whatever.
Benevolence - Thank You (Note Card
Benevolence – Thank You (Note Card)
A benevolent looking sun treated to a rich stained glass look against a modern abstract sky graces the front of this card. Leave the inside blank, or add your custom message…The choice is yours.
Aspire (Graduation Card)
“Aspire” Graduation Card – Tell the grad whom you’re proud of just how high you know they can soar! -original design by IconDoIt

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