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More Hemingway-Inspired Clip-Art

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I have had a wretched week (physically) and am much too tired to write anything intelligible this morning about Ernest Hemingway nor anything else. I have some wonderful research and thoughts that I’d hoped to share with you that would have connected the dots between my artwork below and “Papa” Hemingway. But that will have to slide until I am more coherent. Forgive me.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these latest offerings of free images I created just for you.

Free Icons of the Day

The following images are either full or reduced size previews. Simply right-click (or control-click) on the preview to save the image(s) of your choice to your desktop. (Unless otherwise noted, downloads are 512px X 512px in .png format). Create Commons license applies (see sidebar for details)

Hemingway Manx

Hemingway Manx

Ernie's Firefox

Ernie's Firefox

Ernie's Cats

Ernie's Cats

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3 thoughts on “More Hemingway-Inspired Clip-Art

  1. you are such an awesome artist….love these….
    I need to get my strenght together to write a blog post, they took a whole lot of tissue samples of my left breast yesterday for biopsies…will know next thursday and I’m in extra pain ,apart from the normal one, my boobie looks like a boxing contender after 12 rounds in which she lost…and all bandaged,
    I was being positive yesterday and convinced myself that I had nothing…so the news that there may be something add to my non-well being… 😦
    I ll be back in a little while to download these, thanks so much, you are a star

  2. I love your Hemingway icons. I’ve decided to use a few for my online class–you double cats being the syllabus icon. I will also give you credit and list your site. Thanks, and good luck, Kat

    • I appreciate your compliments and also your consideration in honoring my terms of use. I look forward to checking out your blog – and finding out what kind of class you are (giving? attending?).

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